Welcome Page
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I am currently migrating everything from notes and blogs to Git-book.
The current Git-book is a compilation of Writeups and things that I have learned in my career as a pentester by self-practicing, courses, and CEH. Although, on the other hand, it works as a replacement for my blog, the default structure of Git-book is a lot more comfortable.
The primary source of my content is from:
EC-Council CEH v12 book
I do not claim to be the best or even good at cybersecurity or pen-testing. However, I love to learn about many things and share knowledge with the surrounding. All the content here is for Educational Purposes Only; what someone decides to do with these skills depends on you.
Please. While you learn about cybersecurity, try to test on sites dedicated to practice, like Vulnhub, HTB, or Portswigger, and not on public websites without the owner's consent.
If there is something wrong or you want to make a suggestion, please send a message, I will appreciate that, and I will give the proper credits by linking the addition to your profile or something similar.